



鸡血石(oriental jasper),是辰砂条带的地开石,因鲜红色似鸡血的辰砂(朱砂)而得名。鸡血石含有辰砂(朱砂)、石英、玉髓35%-45%。磁铁矿、赤铁矿6%-12%。辰砂约5%-8%。






英文名称:Tianhuang jixue stone raw stone

























昌化鸡血石出产于浙江省临安市昌化镇西50 公里的浙西大峡谷源头—海拔1300 余米的玉岩山、属天目山系,为仙霞岭山脉的北支,周围群山环抱,峻岭绵延,高山峡谷形成了独特的气候条件,当地民谣为:板桥直垄通,风雨不断踪。夏天盖棉被,十月雪花飘。在鸡血石产地,有许多有关鸡血石的传说,这其中之一便是凤凰灭蝗虫,血洒玉岩山。


英文翻译:Oriental Jasper, is the excavation of cinnabar strip, because of the bright red chicken blood cinnabar (Cinnabar) and get its name. Chicken blood stone contains cinnabar, quartz and chalcedony 35%-45%. Magnetite, hematite 6 -12%. Cinnabar is about 5-8%.

Jixue stone and shoushan stone, Qingtian stone, Barin stone parallel, enjoy China's "four national stone" reputation. Mainly used as a seal or craft carving material. Yuyanshan bloodstone was first discovered in Changhua, Zhejiang province in China. Later, I found balin bloodstone in Balin Right Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. In the 1990s, jixue stone was found in Guizhou, Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Hunan, Yunnan, Xinjiang and other places.

Jixue stone and Tian Shi, Qingtian light frozen stone is known as yinshi sanbao. Chicken blood stone has made a unique contribution to the development of Chinese printing culture, and formed a unique school of "chicken blood" carving in the process of jade carving, whose works are famous for "magnificent, exquisite, elegant and colorful".

Because the production of chicken blood stone is quite limited, the market price endures.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Tian Huang Jixue stone original stone

English name: Tianhuang Jixue Stone Raw Stone

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: 2 pieces (20.3 kg 6.6 kg)

Appearance: Beautiful

Tian Huang Jixue stone: it is a kind of jixue stone with yellow frozen ground. Its texture is creamy, slightly transparent, color has deep and light, dark and light, there is a net defect. Deep dark, such as ripe chestnut, yellow; Light such as osmanthus yellow, chicken oil yellow; Net extremely jade sense, start heart swing; Multi - color concomitant defect or ooze impurities, mostly secondary to clear. In the yellow frozen ground with fresh and thick "chicken blood", like honey permeated with red color, gorgeous eye-catching. Tianhuang frozen chicken blood stone is also the top grade of chicken blood stone.

It weighs 20.34 kg and is a very rare rough stone of great lumpiness.

Shape with bloodstone raw stone

Bloodstone has no fixed shape, called block stone shape, its color has

Bloodstone (original stone) block blood, blood, plum flower blood, floating cloud blood.

Block blood: the distribution is irregular, the east is born, the west is born a block, some blocks have a big red on the surface, but there is no red inside; Some on the contrary, buy chicken blood stone wool material so the risk is very big.

Stripe blood: regular distribution.

Plum blossom blood: like a plum blossom, the whole stone is dotted with stars.

Floating cloud blood: it is born in the broad band or band of indirect, that is, like a blood and like plum blossom blood, the image of blood in the sky like floating clouds, hence the name.

This field yellow chicken blood, for the floating cloud blood, its blood color is like the clouds, the color is different, natural transition, like the general beauty of sunset.

Oddly shaped rough stone surface, size doesn't sag, from this perspective, as if a spittor general, is due to long time running water erosion, in addition to the magazine, the essence of the rest, is tian chicken blood not only, and is a highly ornamental value of stone furnishing articles, spittor maxim, meaning auspicious, and there was a stone to run.

Experts used professional instruments to study the changhua Tianhuang jixue stone, the research results found that the frozen Tiantian Jixue stone mainly dikaite, containing a small amount of talc; Alum stone is the main stone in gangditian yellow bloodstone, which contains a small amount of dikaite, quartz, sodium feldspar and talc.

The blood stone is cinnabar (mercuric sulfide) which penetrates into kaolinite and slowly forms in the ground rock. It is a rare natural gem at home and abroad that the two blend together and become symbiotic. Some bloodstones contain 'olivine' pyroxene condensation.

The composition of chicken blood is mercuric sulfide, stone is for quartile or kaolinite, hardness is 2-3 degrees. Mercury spots and a small amount of quartz particles often protrude from the surface of the stone. Chicken blood in addition to the main ingredients for mercury sulfide, also contains a small amount of chromophore iron, titanium, they are dark dye, how much of its content is the main reason for the different red chicken blood, blood color is dark red content. In addition, chicken blood stone also contains different photosensitive elements selenium and tellurium, which is also the main reason why chicken blood fades or changes color (appears dark red) under light and hot baking.

This one weighs 6.6kg and is in the shape of a flat bottle.

The bloodstone was mined in the early Ming Dynasty, when the bloodstone was exposed to the surface of the rock. According to the principle of heat expansion and cold contraction, the ancients mined the bloodstone exposed to the surface of the rock and burned firewood. After all the rocks were heated, they were splashed with cold water to split the stone, and then the bloodstone was easily removed with a shovel. There are few cracks in such mining methods, but most of the bloodstones are likely to be black or dark before they are mined, and the yield is very small. This method of mining lasted until the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. All the bloodstones based on surface outcrops were exhausted. Explosives were used to explode the holes and then hand or machine were used to dig deep.

Chicken blood stone is known as the world's most expensive stone, for the maintenance is very attention, and the correct maintenance method of chicken blood stone is as follows:

After the finished product is sealed and polished, it is sealed with a brocade box and stored in a cool place. If collect for a long time, also can seal wax not polishing only, let the surface stay a thin wax, the burnish that can make stone material so, colour and lustre is changeless.

Avoid exposure to sunlight, or long-term exposure to strong light, and avoid long-term exposure to high temperature environment. Because the mercuric element of spatholith is easily lost in sunlight and high temperature environment, the blood color will turn purple, dark or pale.

It is a widely used maintenance method to raise chicken blood stone with oil. The method is to wipe a layer of white camellia oil or wax oil on the finished product, let the stone table absorb oil, become more crystal clear, more fresh blood. If it is sealed in the brocade box after being rubbed with oil, it can be covered with a layer of common safety film to avoid oil contamination with brocade box flannelette.

In the indoor furnishing, stone, such as often wipe. If be shown for a long time and stained with dirt, dirty qualitative, usable fine and soft thick cloth or flannelette wipe gently wipe clean, rejoin with fine wool brush dip in oil brush a thin oil, can restore luster.

Chicken blood stone produced in linan city, zhejiang province, 50 kilometers west of the town of chicken blood - more than 1300 meters above sea level the west zhejiang grand canyon sources b jade mountain, belong to the system, for the northern branch of the xianxia ridge mountains, around mountains, majestic mountains stretches, alpine valleys formed the unique climatic conditions, local folk songs is: the banqiao straight through the ridge, wind and rain continuously. Summer covers quilt, October snow flutters. In the origin of chicken blood stone, there are many legends about chicken blood stone, one of which is the phoenix to kill locusts, blood sprinkling Jade Rock mountain.

These two pieces of tian Huang Jixue stone are of great lumpiness, good quality and beautiful appearance. Tian Huang Jixue is the three treasures of the seal, which has been of high collection value since ancient times.

